Friday, November 19, 2010

Beaten by a girl!

I think it is very funny that danny got beat up by a girl and then they become best of friends. i bet that made him lose hi confidence getting beaten up by a girl. it would make me look like a fool.

Bone Chiller

In the book Bone Chiller, Ash one of the characters goes into a fight ring with another girl. She kicks the crap out her, Ash knocked her out.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Military Brats...

It's interesting that even though Danny is bestfriends with Pike, Ash, and Howie he still calls them the brats in his head, because of the fact that their fathers are either drill instructors, or active duty troops. I love how much of a tough chick Ash his, because she boxes and has a active duty dad who is also Native American (and isn't a big fan of white people) for that matter.

About the author???

Was it possible that Graham Mcnamee had a demented childhood, or even adulthood, that he decided to come with a beast that may come from nightmares of some sorts and decided to incorporate it to his book?

Bone Chiller

That monster thing that Danny ran into, I still don't think that it was real. i think that he was just seeing it in his mind.

Bone Chiller

Friday, November 12, 2010


People who are fighting cancer often call it "fighting the beast." Danny's mom died from cancer. Can you guys make any connections here?????...??!?!? :o)